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Landlords profile photo
Bruno B.
Zkušený pronajímatel
Zkušený pronajímatel
Zobrazit medailonek
Neověřené nabídky 1
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
22. 10. - 4. 11. (14 dní)
971  / noc
Včetně všech služeb
O mně
I am a Split native living abroad who set up a rental apartment with remote work in mind. The flat was freshly renovated in 2022 and has been available for rent since 2023. When it has been free, my wife and I have used the flat for remote work ourselves, so we have a good idea of what digital nomads and remote workers’ needs are, both in terms of technology and comfort. We have a local manager in Split who is available to support tenants with their needs.

Naposledy online
7 dní
Registrace na Flatio
Červen 2023

Bruno je ověřený majitel.
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