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Niksa B.
Zobrazit medailonek
Neověřené nabídky 1
Nová nabídka
2. 6. - 15. 6. (14 dní)
988  / noc
Včetně všech služeb
O mně
Buble family is one of the oldest families in the city of Trogir, so our hospitality goes way back. We love to feel safe and comfortable when traveling and we would like our guests to feel the same when spending their vacation with us. At Studio Apartments Buble we will provide you with all the information and needed advice on where to go and what to see. Ask us about local shops and restaurants, beaches and one-day trips. If you prefer not to interact, we will respect your privacy.

Naposledy online
2 měsíce
Registrace na Flatio
Únor 2024

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