Levné studentské ubytování, apartmány v Budapešti - Flatio
jako Nájemník jako Pronajímatel jako F4B

Bydlení pro studenty v Budapešti

Vyberte si typ bydlení:

Studentské pobyty slibují spoustu zábavy, znalostí a také nezapomenutelných zážitků. Čeká Vás nyní jeden takový výjezd na 1 měsíc nebo třeba i celý rok do Budapešti? Pokud ano, tak určitě sháníte místo, kde budete po dobu Vašeho pobytu bydlet. Jestli Vám nevyhovuje kolejní život, tak se mrkněte na Flatio, můžete si u nás zvolit z nabídky pronájmu bytů o různých dispozicích nebo samostatných pokojů – vše podle Vašich potřeb.

Vylepšete svůj pobyt: Přidejte se k Flatio a získejte exkluzivní výhody!
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  • benefit iconExkluzivní výhody od našich partnerů
Přidat se k Flatio zdarma
The apartment has three independent fully nicely furnished rooms in total and two separate toilets, it has separate entrance and lockable door each room The furnitures are brand new, the rooms are decorated with a modern urban jungle design inclusive with all amenities. The apartment recently renovated is very spacious, bright and cozy. It has a single bed, desk, sitting area with storage,…
The apartment has three independent fully nicely furnished rooms in total and two separate toilets all rooms are fully furnished and have a separate entrance and lockable door. The furnitures are brand new, the rooms are decorated with a modern urban jungle design inclusive with all amenities. it’s very spacious, bright and cozy equal size to a studio. Has his own living room and bedroom area …
The apartment has three independent fully nicely furnished rooms in total and two separate toilets all rooms are fully furnished and have a separate entrance and lockable door. The furnitures are brand new, the rooms are decorated with a modern urban jungle design inclusive with all amenities. it’s very spacious, bright and cozy equal size to a studio. Has his own living room and bedroom area …
My place is an amazing newly refurbished four bedroom apartment. The property is located on the Nefelecs utca on the third floor with a room window facing the quite courtyard and three other rooms with street facing. At the doorstep you will find all conveniences (food stores, take away shops etc.). The night life is just a 15 minute walk away (ruin bars, Városliget) The whole place can…
Bedroom I.
11 351  měsíčně
Big and bright Room available from february IN A BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT! *** Location: between Blaha and Keleti (1087 Luther street 1., 1st floor), located in city Center, 5 minutes from 4/6 tram and M2 (red) /M4 (green) metro lines. Or 700 meters (10 min.) from VET UNI! *** PERIOD: 1-2-months Erasmus Students or Expats or Digital nomads are welcomed! Preferibly girls. *** Each room has: -…
Most beautiful room is available from 2025 february 1. Renting period: minimum 2 weeks , maximum 2 months **** Bright ROOM IN A BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT! *** Location: between Blaha and Keleti (1087 Luther street 1., 1st floor), located in city Center, 5 minutes from 4/6 tram and M2 (red) /M4 (green) metro lines. Or 700 meters (10 min.) from VET UNI! *** PERIOD: 0.5-1-1.5…
My place is an amazing newly refurbished four bedroom apartment. The property is located on the Nefelecs utca on the third floor with a room window facing the quite courtyard and three other rooms with street facing. At the doorstep you will find all conveniences (food stores, take away shops etc.). The night life is just a 15 minute walk away (ruin bars, Városliget) The whole place can…
Near the Kálvin tér and 2 minutes walk from the Harminckettesek tere.Ideal location for students- the flat is close to Semmelweis University buildings, The apartment is surrounded by public transport (Metro 3, Metro 4, Tram No. 4-6, Tram No. 47-49 buses) . Perfect for Semmelweis students. The area is plenty of restaurants. The flat is on the 4th floor in a classical building, the building has an…
This spacious, furnished, 160 sqm flat located near the Semmelweis University’s buildings, close to Klinikák (M3) Metro Station. The Flat is on the 1st floor in a classical building, (there is no elevator) The apartment consists of 5 bedrooms (with double beds), every room is faced to the road and have independent access. Moreover, the flat has 2 bathrooms and 2 separate toilets, big kitchen,…
My place is an amazing newly refurbished four bedroom apartment. The property is located on the Nefelecs utca on the third floor with a room window facing the quite courtyard and three other rooms with street facing. At the doorstep you will find all conveniences (food stores, take away shops etc.). The night life is just a 15 minute walk away (ruin bars, Városliget) The whole place can…
Big Bright ROOM IN A BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT! Beautiful room is available from 2025 february 1. *** Renting period: minimum 2 weeks , maximum 2 months *** Location: between Blaha and Keleti (1087 Luther street 1., 1st floor), , located in city Center, 5 minutes from 4/6 tram and M2 (red) /M4 (green) metro lines. Or 700 meters (10 min.) from VET UNI! *** PERIOD: 1-1.5-2-months Expats …
Address: Rakoczi ut – 1072 Budapest (7th) This is one great bedroom in the property. The monthly rental fee is all included. Modern and furnished apartment with 4 comfortable bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen.
All bedrooms contain storage and work space (desk) and queen or king size bed.
There is a shared bathroom with shower and one of the bedrooms has a bathtub. The apartment offers…
Address: Rakoczi ut – 1072 Budapest (7th) This is one great bedroom in the property. The monthly rental fee is all included. Modern and furnished apartment with 4 comfortable bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen.
All bedrooms contain storage and work space (desk) and queen or king size bed.
There is a shared bathroom with shower and one of the bedrooms has a bathtub. The apartment offers all…
Address: Rakoczi ut – 1072 Budapest (7th) This is one great bedroom in the property. The monthly rental fee is all included. Modern and furnished apartment with 4 comfortable bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. All bedrooms contain storage and work space (desk) and queen or king size bed. There is a shared bathroom with shower and one of the bedrooms has a bathtub. The apartment offers all…
Address: Rakoczi ut – 1072 Budapest (7th) This is the master bedroom in the property. The monthly rental fee is all included. Modern and furnished apartment with 4 comfortable bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. All bedrooms contain storage and work space (desk) and queen or king size bed. There is a shared bathroom with shower and one of the bedrooms has a bathtub. The apartment offers…

Jak máte postupovat při projevení zájmu o pronájem bytu nebo pokoje v Budapešti?

Díky Flatio vše proběhne rychle a snadno. Stačí splnit tyto dva základní body:

  1. U vybraného pronájmu si podejte žádost o rezervaci.

  2. Počkejte nejdéle 24 hodin na její potvrzení pronajímatelem.

Pak se vyřídí potřebné smlouvy, domluví se předání klíčů a po uhrazení prvního nájmu můžete začít ihned bydlet! 

Výhody střednědobých pronájmů pro studenty na Flatio

Bydlení v Budapešti v pronajatých bytech nebo pokojích na Flatio s sebou nese hned několik pozitiv, mezi které se řadí:

  1. Žádná platba kauce

  2. Žádné vysoké provize realitní kanceláři

  3. Rychlé a snadné vyřízení

  4. Bohatá webová prezentace u nabízených bytů a pokojů

  5. Kompletně vybavené byty a pokoje

Jako student určitě oceníte, že nemusíte v místě svého nového dočasného bydlení složitě shánět prádelnu nebo třeba rychlovarnou konvici. Vše bude v pronajatém bytě nebo pokoji připraveno – od kompletního nábytku až po nezbytné příslušenství pro pohodlné žití. Vy si díky tomu můžete užívat studentské bydlení v Budapešti a seznamovat se s novými spolužáky.

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